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On 29 May 2019, the Dutch Council of State ruled on the Nitrogen Policy of the Netherlands; the Nitrogen Programme. A ruling with major consequences for the Netherlands. Including for the province of Flevoland. In summary: Dutch provinces may only grant a nature permit for new developments if it has been established in advance that the development will not cause nitrogen deposition in a nitrogen-sensitive Natura 2000 area. This resulted in the stagnation of licensing and the national and provincial governments need to get to work quickly on finding solutions, including an area-oriented approach. The province of Flevoland will enter into a dialogue with all stakeholders involved to discuss bottlenecks and solutions for the short and longer term. In addition, Flevoland wants to cooperate intensively with neighbouring provinces, because Flevoland does not have its own nitrogen-sensitive Natura 2000 areas, but does have deposition with ‘its neighbours’. In order to find solutions, Flevoland has started a Nitrogen Programme. VINU is responsible for programme management.  

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